Pirates! Showdown - Help Page
Game Basics:
On each level you launch your ships (by tapping anywhere in the water) and the ships will head towards your enemy's island while attacking any enemy ships or structures on the way. Win the level by capturing one of the towns on the enemy's home island before they capture one of the towns on your home island.
Structures that you own are shown with blue text, structures the enemy owns is shown in red text. The text by each structure will show the HP of the structure and also show the current and maximum level for the structure if the structure can be upgraded. For example "1/3" means the structure is level 1 and can be upgraded to level 3.
If you have at least 100 gold you can tap in the water and launch a regular ship. If you have more than 500 gold you can launch a super-sized ship.
-When a structure is being captured, whichever team has more ship near by will capture the structure for their team.
-Ships that are nearby a structure owned by their team will help repair any damage to the structure.
Towns and guard towers can be upgraded by tapping on a town or guard tower that you own. To upgrade alevel 1 structure to level 2 it costs 200 gold. To upgrade a level 2 structure to level 3 it costs 500 gold.
Higher level towns will supply more gold and higher level guard towers will shoot more cannon balls.
There are two types of obelisks. The ones that have a gold coin emblem at their base will increase the gold production of any towns within the circle that are owned by the same team. The other obelisks increase the damage that cannon balls do within the circle. Again it only increases the damage for the same team as owns the obelisk.
The best strategy to win depends on the level but here are some common strategies that will help:
-At the beginning of a match try to quickly capture any structures that are close by you before the enemy ships can get there
- It is often important to upgrade the towns on your home island. This increases your gold supply.
- Don't send a single ship against a fleet or guard towers that it can't destroy. Try to wait until you can launch enough ships to win an engagement
-You only need to capture one of the enemy towns to win, so you might be better off sending all the attacking ship on one side of the level when going after his base.
Battle Tactics:
-Keep in mind that every ship has the same number of cannons on both sides so
they can cause as much damage to enemy ships on both side as they can to a single enemy ship on one side.
-Structures regenerate health but ships do not.
If the game seems too difficult or too easy, just select a more appropriate difficulty when beginning each level. (some versions require you to go to the settings menu to change the difficulty)
Text Too Small?
If youa re having trouble reading the in-game text you may need to set the "Big HUD Txt" option in the settings menu. This is often the case on devices with high DPI/PPI screens